Saturday, March 31, 2007


We grow standards and mini's - some florists seldom buy mini's and other florists use a lot of them.

They grow well - just as the standards, and often there are more flowers per plant than the standards, which helps make up for their lower price at the markets.

We only have about 8 colours of mini's - which seems to be enough for our small operation.

They are good to pick - most grow strong with tall stems. We do have two varieties that are not so wonderful and the stems tend to be short or wobbly - but all in all it was a good investment to put them in.


Mo said...

very pretty! gerberas are my favorite!!

Anonymous said...

What a treat to stumble upon this veritable gerbera feast, complete with charming anecdotes and lovely pictures.

Germinis are super cute and perky, with the added bonus of delightful names -- I love the fact that there are bright yellows called 'banana', whites dubbed 'husky' and 'robin' reds.

Di Hill said...

I'm thrilled that you have found this site, and enjoy the stories.