Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The cold weather = few flowers

Our "hothouse" is not hot right now! Winter has arrived and we've had the coldest June day in 80 years, so the flowers have really slowed down.

With the cold wind blowing from the west, it really has been cold miserable work. I have a blood condition that plays up in the real cold weather. It is very painful and I'm only pleased that with few flowers the picking and preparation does not take long. Thank goodness.

Sadly we have had to tell some of our florists that we are unable to supply them. It is frustrating. The plants are in good shape, and there are lots of buds. But no flowers.


Anonymous said...

I recently found your blog after purchasing my first Gerbera daisy... A beautiful, deep yellow. They have long been a favorite of mine and I am glad to have finally gotten one!

I spent substantial time reading your site from beginning to end... I am so intrigued by your flower farm! What an amazing way to combine something you love with a way to provide.

My best wishes to you and your family. I hope the flowers bloom soon for you and the weather gets a bit warmer!

A newly devoted reader,

~Sommer (Twin Cities, MN)

Di Hill said...

How wonderful that you have left a comment Sommer. Thank you so much for visiting the site and I am glad you enjoy it. Have you seen the other site? htp://