Sunday, July 15, 2007

Still no flowers

Our records show how badly the cold has affected the flower growing. We are hardly getting any flowers and have some very disappointed florists. But there's nothing we can do until the weather warms up.

We are getting warm sunshine during the day, but it is so cold overnight and into the mid morning, and again mid afternoon it starts all over. We can at last see some new buds coming, so we feel it will only be a few short weeks before we are back on track again.

Normally we pick three times a week - but we are down to twice a week at the moment.

Our figures show that this has never been so bad in the few years we've had the farm. It is hard to do any deleafing/maintenance until the weather warms up. We don't wish to further stress the plants.

Sad, sorry time for us.


Anonymous said...

Cold is really bad. I have missed this time and some of my flowers faded. Of course it was my shame but cold come suddenly.

Anonymous said...

Cold can affect even the Northern trees, like pines, especially when they are little.