Saturday, August 18, 2007

Miss 5's roadside stall

Miss 5 (well, she'll be 5 in a couple of months) but she behaves like she's more than twice that age, had her roadside stall yesterday. It is something her mother and older sister have done from time to time on a Thursday.

They sell what we refer to as "seconds" because they have shorter stems, a few missing petals, or distorted centre. They look wonderful in a vase, but we don't sell them to the florists.

For weeks there have been so few flowers because of the cold that the florists have taken the "shorts" and there was really nothing for the roadside stall, so yesterday was the first day for several months that there was enough product.

Miss 5 is saving to go to Adelaide with me in a couple of months time. We encourage the children to pay about 75% of the fare - so she and her mother worked for an hour yesteday. They took $80 - not bad for such a short time!

Miss 5 knows she has to pay the farm for her flowers ($1 a bunch), and the rest goes to her savings. She's pretty stoked. The man who gave her $4 in 20c coins was a hit though. As there were so many coins she thinks that he gave her the most money!

Now, I have to save money to go to Adelaide - as I take the girls to see their great grandparents and it is Nan's 92nd birthday at the end of October. A great celebration.

Good time to go as it should be warm enough to swim in the sea at Brighton.

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