Friday, February 09, 2007

Different Gerberas.

I am doing a house sit at the moment - not far from home. The house owners are from South Africa - and of course are very familiar with Gerbera flowers. They have some in their garden - the original variety. One is a pretty double - shall have to take a photo of it.

I think we have at long last killed the bugs in hot house number one, but they still seem to survive well in number two. Another spray yesterday. We must get on top of it.

With Valentine's Day next week our production is down - in fact there seems to be a shortage of flowers all round.

1 comment:

Dave Richards said...

Well flowers are in great demand for Valentines Day...and it's just next week...and flowers do make great gifts as well...and hey for some more resources to wish your loved ones you can also check out my blog on Valentines Day for all the cool stuff i've posted there!!!